
The curse of the student

I guess promising something isn't enough. You also have to deliver and since I should be preparing for my oral exam on Wednesday but seem to find everything else more interesting and more demanding to do then here goes my second blog post in English.

One of the things that are more interesting and demanding to do than prepare for my exam is watching America's Next Top Model on youtube. I've spent more time I think is considered healthy watching this amazingly entertaining show and have now managed to infect Peter Liljeros with the ANTM disease. Yes, we are two peas in a pod. That's for sure. I've now started comparing situations in my life to what has happened in ANTM. It's all so interconnected, so systemic. I've even had delusional ideas about connecting ANTM to my presentation in the oral exam but realise now that this just seemed like a good idea in the heat of the moment.

I got a friend request from some interesting musicians on myspace. The band is called Rubies and will be releasing their first album soon. I really like their music and maybe so will you so check check check it out.

I'm going to see a movie tonight. A movie that I've been wanting to see for some time now. Little Miss Sunshine. Yes. That's all for now. No, wait, the music trivia.

Here goes:
Hannes Óli and Gústi share last week's music champion title after answering correctly Erotic City by Prince. These guys are seriously walking music encyclopedias so I challenge all you music lovers out there to bring some healthy competition to the games.
Who performs and what is the name of the song?
let the temperature rise
the birds of prey are mating

Engin ummæli: