
Undraheimur alnetsins

Komin til Íslands. Verkefnið okkar komið á fullt skrið og vei vei.

Það sem liggur mér á hjarta núna er af allt öðrum toga, nefnilega myspace.com. Ég er með prófíl, á vini en sá lítinn sem engan tilgang með þessu þar sem ég er ekki strögglandi músíker sem vill koma sköpun sinni á framfæri. En í kvöld sá ég ljósið! Pennavinir. Síðast átti ég pennavin þegar ég var 11 ára. Nú er ég 27 ára og tími til kominn á nýjan, ef ekki tvo. Fyrsti pennavinur minn er s.s. Murat frá Tyrklandi. Hann sendi mér bréf sem ég hef hlegið að síðustu mínúturnar ásamt Torhild og Peter. Hér kemur smá bútur:

Im looking for pen friend and im so boring.Would you like to be my pen friend ?

Ég svaraði honum og hlakka til að fá aftur bréf.

Svo fékk ég fyrir nokkrum mánuðum bréf sem ég les reglulega mér og öðrum til skemmtunar:

Subject: Hello my love bird

hi kamilla

I have looked at your profile, and have sensed your inner qualities, - and I would certainly love to learn more about you. You are a stunningly beautiful girl, and I love your sexy, sensual beauty.

I am personally and financially totally independent, my heart is free. I am very young at heart, and I can ensure you, that with me you will never be bored, and you will never lack romance and love. I am here for serious reasons, dear, but am also incurable romantic and playful lover, who wants to care for and protect the future Queen of my Heart.

You have to love travel, since I am also looking for a travel companion, in addition to all your other qualities of being a playful, sensual and the world? And are you ready to let Romance, Passions, Heat, Desires and Love enter your life? It is a perfect cure for being lonely!

I live in a much too big house for one person, and as it said: The man build the house, but the woman makes it into a home.

I hope that you will tell me a bit more about yourself, and your dreams and desires, and send me a few new pictures of your beauty, - and that you will put a smile on my lips. I will respond with much more about myself and my dreams.

With the warmest thoughts ,
Yours, Samuel

Já, ég hef séð myspace ljósið. Elska þetta apparat!

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