The day has come...
I'm all partied out. Yes, it's time for a little break. I say little because I don't want to make any declarations that I might regret later, hohohoho.
Malou left on Saturday. I want her to come back. Reykjavík isn't the same without her.
At the age of 28 I'm realizing that I have a siamese twin. Kind of strange to realize it now but better late than never. My siamese twin is one Diljá Ámundadóttir. We're like two peas in a pod these days. Siamese peas.
Christmas is just around the corner. Lots of changes this year. My darling little brother won't be joining us on Christmas Eve. It'll just be me, mom and dad. Ingi Þór has fallen in love with a girl and out of love with me, mom and dad. No, it's not that bad though. He still loves us. I hope.
Wonders never seize to happen. My dad has cut off his hair. Yes, the last hippie in Keflavík no longer looks like one. The whole town is in shock. But he looks good, smashing actually. And he'll always be a rock and roll dude on the inside and my one and only daddy cool.
This blog is dedicated to my siamese twin Diljá. I loves you, baby.
Check out some of Diljá's pictures from our lives as Dill and Mill.
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