It's alive!!!!
And so am I! The thing about maintaining a blog is that when you haven't written in a while (quite the understatement, I know) you kind of don't really know what to write about anymore. Too much has happened and you basically don't know where to begin. I'll try...
I'm back in Vancouver after two lovely weeks. A few highlights:
-A road trip with my aunt to Tyler, Texas, driving through small towns, so small that if you blinked you might have missed them! At times I felt like we were in a movie. Small towns in the US are displayed uber correctly in movies. I am amazed. I seriously didn't think towns like these existed.
-I really felt like I was in a movie when our air-conditioning stopped working on the way back to Austin. Two lobsters in a big 'ol boiling pot would be an accurate description of how we felt. It was so hot that we had to stop in Palestine, Texas (!) to get it fixed. I swear that I would rather wear ugly shoes for the rest of my life than live in a small town like one of the many we drove through (we did manage to stop in some for an ice-cream at Dairy Queen. It is after all the Texas stop sign!). We had to stay in Palestine for two hours and I was bored out of my mind. Imagine 20 years in a town like that.
-Getting to know my aunt and her family better. They're so great that I'm now looking for an internship in Austin for this fall. Any pointers? Throw a comment my way.
-Puss filled blisters on my fair skin. No, this is of course not a highlight but a nightmare. True, none the less. It's mosquito season in Texas and I got eaten alive. My delicate Icelandic body was not strong enough to handle Texan mosquitos so I got the worst allergic reactions to the bites. I thought I would die. My aunt had to pump me full of antihistamines, which made me so drowsy that I seriously slept for about two days non-stop. Yes, that was a little glimpse into my days in mosquito hell, a place I wish no man to enter.
-Manicures and pedicures. I am a lady of luxury. I've realized lately that I need to make money in the future. I need to be able to splurge on facials, massages, manis and pedis. Preferably all these will be performed by handsome men with funny accents. It is my destiny!
-The endless amount of good food that my aunt Maja is able to cook, bake and grill. I do believe my belly and butt are a bit bigger than two weeks ago:/
Anyways, I'm back in Vancouver. It's Friday night. It's 11 pm. I'm in bed. What's wrong with this picture?
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