Ready to go go go!
Hello, citizens of the blog world. I have officially moved from Århus for the next six months or so. I did not shed a tear. Nor did I expect to. As I type this I'm sitting in Katrín and Jens's BEAUTIFUL apartment and tomorrow there will be a big party here. Yay! Katrín is now making a dress for tomorrow night and me and Jens are getting hot and heavy with our macs, as usual.
I had the hardest time packing. That is, way too much shit for a way to small suitcase. It is my curse to be a collector (Ooh, I thought of a new word. Coollector= a collector of cool;)) of clothes and anything shiny and nice. If I like it I must own it. It's a simple as that. Well, bla bla bla bla bla bla. I leave you with a few pics from a lovely night in my life as Kamilla.
P.s. The answer to last week's music quiz is Torn between two lovers by Mary MacGregor. Nobody guessed it and nobody has guessed in the last few ones so I think I'll give it a rest... unless you want it back. Let me know babies! xxx
Jens relaxin' and reading a very sophisticated interior design mag
Gunnar, the lucky cat and my roommate at the mo
Katrín, the seamstress
The dress-to-be
We're gonna have a good time tonight... or tomorrow night
A calm and collected Gunnar and a crazy looking Kamilla
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